Dimension measurement

The LineSmarts support measurement function enables the use of android tablet or smartphone devices to safely and efficiently measure:

  • Power pole lean
  • Structure dimensions

The following video provides a brief introduction to the Linesmarts pole lean measurement feature.

The following video provides a brief introduction to the Linesmarts dimension measurement feature

Horizontal measurements and pole lean are calculated based on the assumption that the items being measured in the image are oriented at right angles to the observation point. The item measured must be square to the observer for the horizontal distance component and slope to be determined correctly. Accuracy of the measurements is also a function of how well LineSmarts is calibrated. It is recommended that users ensure that LineSmarts is properly calibrated before analysing results. Instruction on how to calibrate LineSmarts can be found here.

Support lean

LineSmarts provides users with a tool to quantitatively measure pole lean. This capability might be used for the following purposes:

  • As part of a condition inspection programme. Systematically monitoring pole lean allows systematic identification of leaning poles and the regular monitoring of known leaning structures. Monitoring pole lean allows an asset manager to establish whether a lean is stable, or if not, its rate of change.
  • To establish a base-line verticality of a support directly after installation. This may be used to confirm that a structure is vertical, or raked, in accordance with its design and as a reference against which to compare future measurements.
  • To establish a base-line verticality of a support prior to maintenance or a change in usage. For example a contractor might record that a pole is leaning prior to working on it so as to be able to demonstrate that their maintenance activity did not cause the lean, or an asset owner might record the absence of lean prior to the addition of third party equipment.
  • As part of a structural assessment of a leaning pole

Leaning power poles are a common issue for many networks. Aside from appearing unattractive and in poor repair, a leaning pole can indicate that a support has been overloaded or signal underlying issues with a footing or footing design. A leaning pole might occur because:

  • its footing was not installed properly (eg poor compaction, inappropriate backfill material)
  • its footing design was not sufficient to resist the pole’s service loads
  • its footing has been weakened or destabilised (eg supporting ground has been removed as part of road works, erosion or ditch clearing)
  • a pole or the lines it supports have been subject to an extreme loading event such as a vehicle collision or falling tree impact

Any of these issues could potentially be serious and the associated weakness or damage might worsen with time. Once a pole leans the vertical conductor load begins to act as bending on the support. This imposes an additional permanent bending load on the support and footing, over and above the environmental design forces for which the support and footing would originally have been designed for.

Leaning poles may or may not be a problem. The evaluation and management of the risk associated with pole lean is best approached systematically. LineSmarts provides a tool to quantitatively monitor and record pole lean for this purpose.

Dimension measurements

LineSmarts provides users with a tool to measure direct, horizontal and vertical distances at supports. This capability might be used for:

  • measuring pole height, which in turn might be used to establish pole type
  • identifying the height to conductor attachments
  • establishing equipment heights, vertical dimensions and spacing
  • measuring crossarm lengths, including from from multiple angles
  • measuring distance between cross-arms and conductor attachments
  • measuring attachment offset from the pole centre
  • measuring pole diameter or width at any position on the pole
  • measuring phase spacing

This handy tool can be useful for acquiring design information, confirming component dimensions, identifying replacement material requirements and developing work methods. For detailed instructions on how to measure and interpret support dimensions watch the following video.

Dimension, lean measurements and other key structure data can be exported to csv for multiple records. This is particularly helpful for those routinely using LineSmarts to collect data, ie. asset inspections.

To learn more about other LineSmarts functions visit our home page or use the menus above to explore this website.

LineSmarts is available for free on the Android Play Store. The free version is fully featured. An in-app purchase of a monthly or annual subscription unlocks unrestricted access to LineSmarts features.